Friday, March 4, 2016

COYER Back to Basics Wrap Up Post

COYER Back to Basics Wrap Up Post

I will admit that COYER did not go as I expected it would--I had visions of hunkering down with my e-reader and blasting through a bunch of titles that have been languishing on it for years.  Instead, my Kindle sat on my nightstand as I rediscovered my love of my local public library and read stacks of paperbacks checked out on my trusty card.  I did read several library books on my e-reader but don't feel that it counts for what I had in mind to accomplish with this challenge.  Then February rolled around and I realized that COYER would be ending in a month and that I better get going...and my e-reader promptly started acting up by restarting over and over.  I have had the same Kindle since December of 2010 and it was having some issues every time I turned on the wireless--it would start to slow down until finally it would stall forcing a restart.  One evening, after five such instances, I popped online and impulsively purchased a new Kindle Touch...two days later (Thanks Kindle Prime Free Shipping!!) I had my new Kindle and immediately noticed that it allows me to see everything in my Kindle cloud from the home screen.  I got the brainstorm to go through everything in my Amazon cloud to see what to keep and what to delete.  Only problem (and it isn't actually a problem at all--more of a challenge), my cloud consists of over 7,500 items.  Yikes.  I started my project on February 12 and as of Feb. 28 have made it through around 1,700 items.  And there is no way that I can continue on at the same pace...for one thing, this month I had lots of extra free time off from my job which is not the case in upcoming months, secondly, I started with the oldest items in my cloud which was back when I was downloading any-and-everything free from Amazon including lots of books in genres I just don't usually enjoy meaning that I could quickly delete many items without trying them out (I am not going to keep cookbooks on my Kindle nor do I enjoy horror books) and thirdly, while I am really enjoying the process I miss reading books through to completion.  If I continue on as I am, I won't have any reviews to write and post for March (or April, May or June) which would be a bummer because I am finally finding my groove with this here blog and I don't want to stand in my own way or cause unnecessary stress to myself.  So, while COYER did not go as planned for me, I love the direction it took because it was perfect timing for me to clean out my e-reader, even if it wasn't in the way I originally planned.  And while I will be slowing down, I do plan to devote time daily to the project even if it is only by looking at one screen's worth (six titles) of books a day.  I have quite a few books my books-to-finish-reading collection (a mere 730+ currently) that I will actually be able to devote some reading time to now that I know what (and where) they are.  I hope another COYER is planned soon, I hope to actually read-and-review books for it, although I will probably also use some of it to once again step up the clearing-out-the-cloud project that has gotten off to a great start so far!      

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